GABBY STAAL: He can work in English, Dutch and German. Very professional, loyal, understanding, he is both warm and sharp like a knife blade sushi. He always strives to be the best and knows how to break the ice with humor.
For 20 years, Gabby has coached leaders, teams and organizations. He also has tools and experience to develop leadership. His experience with managers at ABNAMRO, Carnegie in Sweden, SAP in the USA, FUJI, TATA STEEL, Smurfit Kappa, VOLKSWAGEN, as well as with SMEs, the social and solidarity economy and the public sector gives him a panel of references with high added value for its customers. In recent years, he has devoted a major part of his activity to the European Commission. He has worked for many DGs and is a member of CORE O.D (DG HR).
Gabby has a degree in economics from Amsterdam University. He is certified CO-ACTIVE coach, was the first Dutch to obtain his certification in systemic coaching teams and organizations from CRR GLOBAL, two accredited programs ICF.
He is also certified in Team Coaching International's Team Diagnostic Assessment. He is qualified to use Leadership Circle profile and Marshall Goldsmith's Stakeholder Centered Coaching for executive coaching. He trained in Zen mediation and was president of ICF Netherlands. As such, it has an international network of highly qualified part