Sabine Moreau

Because in the life of a collaborator or a manager, exposed situations related to speaking out can be a source of discomfort or stress, developing ease makes it possible to convey a message more easily, participate spontaneously in a meeting, influence or integrate into a management committee or a project team, Sabine proposes a simple and effective technique that she has developed.
Sabine Moreau is an actress and communication coach in the theater.
Trilingual, she studied in the largest universities of Dublin and Mexico City and then validated a Master of Science in International Business Negotiation at ESC RENNES.
She worked for 5 years as a marketing manager in international markets in the agri-food and ready-to-wear sector. These managerial positions lead her to question the role of the manager in the company. In 2011, in search of new challenges and a new development, she operates a professional reconversion to devote herself professionally (and no longer as an amateur) to her passion for theater. She is studying at the Jean Perimony School of Dramatic Arts. In addition to her artistic projects, Sabine Moreau decided to offer companies training and coaching in theater communication; she founded Bloom Communication. Among her references: Coca-Cola, GDF SUEZ, Kookai, Neoness (...) her expertise is based on her various experiences gained abroad, in business and on stage.
Interventions en duo Expert/Coach