Stephen Bunard

Stephen BUNARD is a revealer of authenticity. Whether it is to improve one's personal impact, to develop interpersonal intelligence within a team, or to better take into account the other in his/her unconscious needs and thus considerably improve the sympathy capital and federating skills of a leader, a manager and an expert, Stephen will bring a very subtle and relevant awareness of the impact of body language (55% of the message captured by the listener) and simple tools to apply daily. He can coach individuals or teams, make conferences or facilitate club of the managers.
Stephen Bunard has been a spokesperson for 15 years, a speaker on non-verbal communication and synergologist (gestural and behavioral analysis) since 2009. He is a regular speaker at ENA with senior officials, at HEC Executive Education and at the University. University Paris-Dauphine in Master 2. He is the one by which synergology, a discipline coming from Quebec, has developed in France and more broadly in Europe for ten years. He is the author of "Their gestures say aloud what they think in a whisper" (First, 2014). His analyzes of public figures (politicians, bosses, athletes) are appreciated by French and international media. Former vice-president of the Association of European Journalists, he worked 10 years in major media on European or economic issues: Le Figaro, ARTE, Europe 1, BFM and taught at the CFJ and the University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. He has been teaching theatrical improvisation courses for about fifteen years.
Interventions en duo Expert/Coach